APLIKASI TERBAIK : Deep Sleep Battery Saver


> sering mencari apps yang mampu menjimatkan bateri?sering kecewa dengan prestasi bateri smartphone anda ? cuba try install Deep Sleep Battery Saver ! 

 Deep Sleep Battery Saver sentiasa meletakkan smartphone anda dalam mode deepsleep ketika screen off. Semasa mode deepsleep, WiFi, 3G dimatikan, background apps dihentikan. Oleh itu, kebanyakan aplikasi tidak , termasuk Facebook, Google Services dan lain-lain.


These settings apply on all profiles
  • Screen off delay: a short delay before deepsleep start. This option is used to avoid quick screen toggle.
  • Whitelist: Apps are always ignored when deepsleep on, such as online music player
  • Ingored recent apps: ignore recent launched apps
  • Use APN settings: twist 3G/4G/mobile data toggler
  • Check background data: If selected, it will ignore deepsleep mode if traffic is above a defined threshold
  • Traffic threshold & Traffic sampling frequency: sample traffic and compare to a defined threshold
kami telah mencuba pelbagai aplikasi untuk menjimat bateri . Dan setakat ini Deep Sleep Battery Saver adalah aplikasi terbaik untuk menjimat bateri :) 


- google play : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.rootuninstaller.batrsaver&feature=search_result

- atau disini >>DSBatterySaver_Ver1.6.<<

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