GingerDx adalah satu rom dari developer terkenal XDA , Doinxanh yang telah menghasilkan Rom GingerDX V31 terbaru untuk pengguna Xperia X8 yang menggunakan stock kernal dan antara features yang terdapat pada Rom ini
- Clean and latest CM7 nightlies. Latest Gingerbread 2.3.7
- Fully working Camera
- Minimal number of apps are installed.
- Lightweight.
- Stock Kernel Modules: ax8mt (fixed), ext3/4, x8gesture, x8mddi, x8uv, x8smartass, x8netfilter
- The usual things as with other ROMs: WiFi, BlueTooth, USB, Sensors, 3D, Video, FM Radio, Camera, Rooted, JIT,
- ZIP-aligned, App2SD, ...
- As smooth as doixanh's CM6 Froyo ROMs in 2D (menu scrolling/flinging...)
- WEP AdHoc support
- ClockworkMod recovery
- CallMeLouder: Louder ringer when the phone is inside a bag or pocket.
- Improved Flipping down mutes ringer
- Flipping down/shaking snoozes alarm
- Disable LED notification in night
- Back button ends call
- Menu button answers call
- Built-in Transparent Status Bar support
- Hide avatar in SMS
- Quick Copy / Quick Paste
- Custom carrier text
- Built-in loop ringtone support without OGG editing
- Optimized ("smoothened") scrolling/flinging
- Random Lockscreen
- Sense Lockscreen
- Ring Lockscreen
- Sleep button on Power Control widget
- Center clock on status bar
- Configuration section (with localization for many languages)
- WiFi tethering
- EduRoam WiFi compatible!
- QuickPic Gallery
- Jellybean-style status bar and notifications
- ICSified by integrating AChep's ICS Layouts natively into the ROM (a/k/a "AChepified")
- This is here to stay, we won't revert to the standard Gingerbread style
- AChep's JellyBean Theme included and set as default
- PIE navigation controls
- ICS Wallpapers added into CMWallpapers
- ICSified Settings
- GDX Update Notification
- GPS Country Optimizer
- Pick-up-to-call
>Pastikan X8 anda sudah diroot dan install xrecovery !
>Download ROM >>download<<
>Download GAPPS >>download<<
>masukkan downloaded ROM dan GAPPS ke dalam SDcard
>reboot dan masuk ke dalam mode recovery.
>install / flash rom tersebut dengan install custom zip > choose from SDcard
>kemudia flash GAPPS dengan cara yang sama.
> full wipe/wipe data dan wipe cache.
>reboot dan enjoy :)
>>LIke Page di facebook untuk pertanyaan dan soalan :)